Sign the Petition

“Support the Transformation of Manley House into a Stunning Events & Wedding Venue!”



to our petition website advocating for the transformation of Manley House into a beautiful events & wedding venue in Hapton, Burnley. By signing this petition, you can help us revitalise and open the doors to this impressive property and create a unique space for unforgettable celebrations in our community.

Manley House History

Manley House, a cherished residential property located in the heart of our community, holds immense historical and architectural significance. Unfortunately, Manley House has remained underutilized in recent years as a residential home, such a masterpiece property should be available to all. We believe that transforming it into a wedding venue will breathe new life into this iconic property.

Statement of Support:

“We, the undersigned residents of Lancashire, wholeheartedly support the transformation of Manley House into a events & wedding venue. We firmly believe that this project will not only preserve our local heritage but also bring positive social and economic benefits to our community.”

  • “By repurposing Manley House as a events & wedding venue, we can restore and revitalize this historic property, preserving its unique charm and architectural features for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.”

  • “The transformation of Manley House into a events & wedding venue will generate economic opportunities for our community. It will attract couples from near and far, stimulating local businesses, and promoting tourism in our area.”

  • “Hosting weddings and related events at Manley House will create employment opportunities for our community, supporting the livelihoods of local residents. From event staff to wedding planners, caterers to florists, the venue will serve as a catalyst for job creation.”

  • “The events & wedding venue at Manley House will contribute to the vibrant social fabric of our community. It will become a place where countless couples can celebrate their love and create cherished memories, fostering a sense of joy and unity among residents.”


Show your support

By signing the petition to encourage local authorities and decision-makers to approve the transformation of Manley House into a events & wedding venue. Together, we can preserve our heritage, boost our local economy, and create a space for unforgettable celebrations in our community.


There will be little change to the character and appearance of the area as a direct result of the proposals, as the building is set back from the main road frontage and is at a higher level than the surrounding areas. The property is only really seen from long distance views across the valley.
Furthermore, the existing building is of a fairly modern design and utilises modern materials of external construction. The proposed addition of the retractable canopy wont be seen from the road or neighbouring property, together with other minor alterations, is considered to be in accordance with the design, appearance and character of the building. The proposed development would therefore accord with the requirements of Policy SP5 ‘Development Quality and Sustainability’ and NE3 ‘Landscape Character’ of the Local Plan.

The proposed events & wedding venue will create employment opportunities for local people in addition to generating significant revenue to the local council (including wedding fees and business rates). The current use of these substantial premises as a single dwellinghouse set within large gardens is clearly very much underutilised and provides little in terms of economic benefits.

In addition to these direct economic benefits the proposal would support a wide range of indirect benefits predominantly by supporting the local supply chain.

Job Roles will include but not limited to are:

• Bar Manager
• A Pool of Bar Staff
• Operations Manager
• Security Officers
• Event Organisers
• Handy Man
• Administration Roles
• Book Keeper

In addition to the above, there are a number of people who are not directly employed, such as cleaners, gardeners, window cleaners, accountants, stock takers etc.
As a result of the proposal there would be a significant and positive indirect impact for local businesses as all contract/freelance work would be from local companies, namely:
• Building and hardware businesses
• Food businesses (Fresh produce and dairy)
• Breweries
• Florists and Balloons
• Dress and Suit Suppliers
• Photographers
• Chauffeurs / Car companies
• Taxi, bus, coach and train businesses
• Accommodation (Local B&B’s and Hotels)
• Local public houses
• Catering Suppliers
As can be seen from the above, there is likely to be both direct and indirect socio-economic impacts that will ensue, which are significant and positive and should be given substantial weight in the planning balance.

The application includes an extended Phase 1 Habitat survey and a daytime bat survey, demonstrating a proactive approach to assessing and mitigating potential ecological impacts.

To address biodiversity concerns, the proposed development can incorporate measures to enhance biodiversity throughout the site, ensuring a net gain in biodiversity, as encouraged by Policy NE1. Additionally, any removal of hedgerows at the entrance of the site will be carefully considered, and appropriate measures will be taken to safeguard valuable ecological features.

The proposed development will adhere to regulated operating hours, with events ending at a reasonable time. Noise management strategies, including sound barriers and appropriate sound system setup, can be implemented to mitigate any potential noise impacts on neighboring properties. Note the closest property is 120m away.

It is important to note that occasional noise from celebratory events is inherent to such venues and is expected within reasonable limits. The proposed development will not result in unacceptable adverse impacts on residential amenity and aligns with Policy SP5, seeking to ensure harmonious coexistence between different land uses.

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Visitor personal information will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of the petition. Email addresses will not be shared with any third parties.